Every massage I provide is personalized to your needs. At the start of each appointment, I take the time to check in and understand what you and your body need most at that moment. From there, I use a combination of massage techniques and fitness-based approaches to help you find relief and feel your best. Here are some of the treatments I specialize in.
Myofunctional Therapy
Myofunctional therapy is an exercise-based therapy, much like physical therapy, for the muscles of the mouth, tongue, and face. Training these muscles can help improve talking, eating, breathing, jaw-related and sleep-related disorders.
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Medical Massage
Alleviate pain, discomfort, and tension while enhancing posture, performance, and functionality with targeted manipulations of the soft tissues in the body.
45 minute - $75
60 minute - $90
75 minute - $110
90 minute - $130
Jaw (Intraoral) Massage
This specialized work within the mouth is a powerful and effective way to help those suffering from TMJ, clenching, whiplash, tension headaches, migraines, orthodontia discomfort, sleep apnea, snoring, and upper neck tension.
60 minute - $90
Aromatouch Technique
Soothe the body, calm the mind, bolster immunity, and heal the physical effects of stress, chronic fatigue and inflammation. With gentle strokes along the meridians of the back and feet and powerful essential oils that naturally support your own body’s ability to heal, you will feel more like yourself again.
45 minute - $95
Appointment Add-on:
Aromatherapy - $15
Aromatouch - $25
Craniosacral Therapy
Experience relaxation like never before and reset from the inside out with this gentle hands-on method of treating tension in the nervous system.
45 minute - $75
60 minute - $90
Sauna Therapy
Designed to detoxify, rejuvenate, and soothe, this service pairs perfectly with massage for enhanced muscle relief, stress reduction, immune boosting and more. Unwind, refresh, and revive your body and mind.
30 minute - $25